EPDM Coatings LLC is a specialized roof coatings company. It has a research and development phase to design appropriate rubber roof coatings which best suits to your roof surrounding environment and roof conditions. When used in most industrial and commercial buildings, liquid roof coating offers large energy cost savings, preservation of the roof, and significant abatement in your replacement expenses.

Liquid Roof has had a long history of superior performance in hoses, molded products, tires and roofing membranes. For example, the radiator hoses in our cars and the gaskets on our freezer doors are made of liquid EPDM rubber and show the broad temperature range the product can handle. EPDM Roofing Membranes also have more than 30 years of successful history. EPDM is relatively inexpensive, simple to install, and fairly clean to work with when compared to conventional materials. There are not the strong odors and fumes either. The product is very stable and the resulting characteristics of Liquid EPDM Roof such as flexibility, weather ability and chemical resistance are determined by it. Liquid Roof therefore, can be described as a new form of an old and well-established rubber polymer. Now you can take advantage of the same benefits to weather-tight your leaks. Liquid Roof forms a 100% seamless layer.
Being liquid roof applied, these coatings are highly versatile. With traditional resurfacing materials such as felt, it can be difficult to achieve a 100% waterproof surface especially in areas where detailing is difficult. Protrusions such as pipes and surface-mounted roof lights cannot be easily detailed by these materials alone. By contrast, liquid waterproofing can be applied anywhere where one can reach – providing total, fully adhered and seamless protection. A long-term solution to the problem of water ingress, liquid roof coatings are highly durable and long lasting, offering up to 25 years’ protection. The systems avoid the use of heat or flames and use specialist cold applied liquid resins of various types.
This is the common problem and faced by every house hold. EPDM Coatings Liquid Roof Coatings satisfactorily solve this problem. It is gives best results on RV Roof Repair as well.