How To Make RV Roof Repairs

Your RV is your prized possession, and you want to make sure that it gets all the love an attention that it deserves. Without a doubt, the place on your RV that takes the most abuse as you take it around the country is its roof. Unlike any other part of your vehicle, it is constantly exposed to the elements, always facing upward in the direction of the sun and its harmful ultraviolet rays. For this reason, at some point or another, you’re going to discover that your RV rubber roof needs repairs. But what should you when this happens?

Seek Out An RV Leaks Repair Contractor

If you’re not a handyman or a handywoman, then it might be advisable to seek out the assistance of a licensed and reputable contractor. This is not because making repair’s to your RV roofing system is especially difficult, but there is a bit of a learning curve that might make it hard for novices. If you have to go with this method of RV rubber roof repair, though, you’re sure to find that having the repairs done is quite affordable. Like we said, the repairs are generally uncomplicated, and the materials involved are not overly expensive.

I Want To Do It Myself!

Well, that’s the spirit. It’s probably the very same spirit that propelled you into mobile home ownership in the first place. If you want to take care of your RV roof repair all by yourself, then you’re going to need a few things first. At a local hardware store you’ll want to get your hands on the following items:

  • EPDM Roller: You’ll use this to make the repairs to your roof.
  • Liquid Roof: This is the material that you’ll use to plug in any holes.
  • Masking Tape: If you need to avoid getting the liquid roof in certain areas, this will be useful.
  • Cleaning Products: In order to make a successful repair to your RV rubber roof, you’re going to need to make it spotless first.

After you’ve secured these items, the rest should be fairly straightforward. Like we already mentioned, the first step that you’re going to want to take is cleaning your RV rubber roof. It’s important that you don’t skip this step, as an unclean roof will seriously undermine the efficacy of the RV rubber roof repairs that you’re making. So, instead, take the time to make sure your RV’s roof is a spotless as possible.

Next, you’ll apply the liquid roof using the EPDM roller. You’ll find that this is quite similar to many other roll-on materials that you might have worked with. While you’re rolling, make sure that you’re spreading out the liquid roof as evenly as possible, as this will ensure you don’t have problems later on down the line.

After you’ve finished applying the liquid roof, you should be all set. It will take approximately 24-hours for the liquid roof to set, but after that you should be good to go!