Don’t Sweat a Leaky RV Roof

If you’re the owner of a mobile home or RV, congratulations! You’re a member of a class of people that proudly make wherever they roam their home. As your RV is your home, you’ll need to take great care in keeping up with its maintenance. You wouldn’t, after all, want negligence be the cause of some unfortunate damage derailing your cross-country adventures!

Among the most nefarious problems you might encounter in your RV is a leaky roof. Of course, it might seem as if it’s not big deal. It’s just a few drops every now and again when it rains; how bad can that be? The answer is that it can be incredibly bad! While a leak will almost always start small, they only grow over time. As they grow, they begin to pose more and more serious danger to the longevity of your RV or mobile home. A small leak today may grow into a serious structural problem caused by rot later! For this reason, it’s absolutely essential that you take action immediately when you discover your RV rubber roof is leaking.

How Can I Conduct RV Roof Repair

This is why we said don’t sweat it! RV roof repair can be an incredibly simple process, provided you take action immediately once you’ve noticed a leak. Of course, your best option will be to get in touch with a licensed RV rubber roof contractor who can assist you with making repairs. But, if you’re the do-it-yourself type, then here are the steps you’ll need to take in order to conduct an RV rubber roof repair:

  • Step 1: First you’re going to need to get your hands on the tools that you’ll need. Among those tools, you’ll need liquid roof, which you’ll use to cover the site of the leak. You’ll also need an EPDM roller, which you’ll use to apply the aforementioned liquid roof. Finally, you may need some masking tape and other cleaning products.
  • Step 2: Those cleaning products could be important, because the second step is actually cleaning your RV’s roof. In order for the liquid roof to bond adequately to your existing RV roofing system, the roof will need to be clear of dirt, debris and grime.
  • Step 3: Once the RV rubber roof is clean, you’ll then need to apply the liquid roof. Using the EPDM roller spread the rubber roof as evenly as possible over the site of the leak. It’s important that it be spread evenly, as an uneven spread could lead to problems down the line.
  • Step 4: Finally, you’re going to need to let this liquid roof dry. In order for the liquid roof to dry appropriately, you’ll have to leave it alone for a period of 24-hours. But, after that time window has elapsed, you’re done!

As you can see, making repairs to your RV’s rubber roof can be incredibly simple. Of course, you might not be the handy type, in which case it may be advisable to leave such repairs to professionals. But, you’re likely to find that such repairs for your RV’s rubber roof should be relatively inexpensive.