EPDM Roofing: The Roofing System that You’ve Been Looking For

If you’ve been looking for a roofing solution for your business, then you’ve probably been considering a lot of different options. As you’ve probably noticed, though, many of those options are going to have an adverse effect on your ability to conduct your business. With most roofing solutions, hazardous chemicals and open flames will be in play, which might make it necessary for your to shut down your business for a time. When you couple this with the expense of replacing your roof, the cost of finding your new roofing solution can be staggering.

Don’t despair, though! If you want to get your roof redone with a product that won’t adversely affect your ability to run your business, then EPDM roofing is the solution that you’ve been looking for!

EPDM Roofing: What’s That?

Good question! EPDM, which stands for Ethylene Propylene DieneTerpolymer, was invented in the 1970s, and very rapidly became a popular roofing solution. Rather than requiring a hot application like many tar- and asphalt-based roofing solutions, an EPDM membrane roof goes on cold. Additionally, it’s incredibly easy to install, as it comes in sheets that can be as large 50 feet wide. Because it’s so easy to install, it’s likely that having the roof of your business redone with an EPDM roofing solution will have a negligible impact on your day-to-day operations.

Okay, So What Are The Benefits of an EPDM Roofing Solution?

Well, if the ease of installation and the lack of dangerous chemicals and flames isn’t enough of a benefit, here are some more:

  • Long service: With proper maintenance, an EPDM roofing solution can be expected to last for 20-30 years.
  • UV-light resistance: It’s no secret that the sun’s rays can be damaging, but EPDM roofing is equal to the task.
  • Weather resistance: With the nasty weather becoming more and more frequent, you need a roofing solution that can stand up to the elements. EPDM roofing is just that solution!
  • Resistance to heat: Because of this and its UV-light resistance, you’ll find that EPDM roofing helps to keep your business cool, which will have a beneficial effect on those expensive air conditioning bills

For the reasons listed above, you’ll find that many of the EPDM roofing solutions that were installed when the product was first invented in the 1970s are still in full operation today. Because of the low maintenance costs and the high durability, you’ll find that an EPDM roofing solution is among the most cost-effect roofing solutions that your business can consider.

How Can I Get an EPDM Roofing System?

That’s easy! You’ll just need to talk to some of your local roofing companies to investigate whether or not they install EPDM roofing. In all likelihood they do, because EPDM is among the easiest roofing systems to install and maintain. So, if you’re looking for a long-term solution for your business’ roof, then look no further than EPDM!