Roof Leaks Are No Match for EPDM

No one likes a leaky roof. With each drip, the problem becomes more and more annoying. Of course, if you’re only experiencing the problem a drip at a time, you’re in luck. Far worse is a roof leak you don’t know about until it compromises a circuit or starts showing up on your walls. Water can cause a lot of damage, especially when it’s given plenty of time to work. This is why you want to handle your leaking RV roof repair ASAP. However, it’s also why you absolutely must pick the right solution for the job, which usually means EPDM.

EPDM Is Quick and Simple

Depending on your abilities, you may be able to fix roof leaks all by yourself with EPDM. For smaller jobs like leaking roof repair, it’s usually applied in liquid form. You can just spray it over the spot in need of repairs (after it’s been cleaned, of course) and let it dry. Your roof won’t be having any more issues in the future.
Even if you need to hire someone for the job, you’ll be in for a quick turnaround. Unlike having to remove shingles or panels, EPDM roofs don’t need much more than a cleaning before more is applied. In some cases—say, if you own an RV—your current roof may not be made from ethylene propylene diene monomer, but the substance can still be used for a quick repair.

You’ll Save Money

Hiring someone to fix your roof is notorious for being expensive. As you can probably guess from the above, though, having someone use EPDM won’t cost you much. The labor shouldn’t last for more than an hour and the rubber is well-known for how inexpensive it is. You shouldn’t have to worry that saving your home (and sanity) is going to break your budget.

Get a Tight Seal

While EPDM is known for being cheap and many other flattering features, the real reason it gets used so often to repair roof leaks is because everyone knows that the seal it forms can’t be beat (at least not without spending a lot more on the process).
If you live in a climate where the rain can be vicious, you’ll be glad you have EPDM covering up the vulnerable spot on your roof. The same goes for those of you who live in areas where you often need to repair roof leaks because of the punishment provided by snow.
EPDM isn’t just some temporary solution either. Once you apply it, that rubber will be there for decades. Temperatures ranging from negative 40 all the way up to 300 Fahrenheit have proven to be no match for the tight seal made by EPDM.
While EPDM is the answer to your prayers when you need to fix roof leaks, it’s also worth considering what this rubber could do as a larger application. EPDM roofs are extremely popular for commercial buildings and RVs, but there are also a number of residential applications you could benefit from too.