Roofing Sealants for RVs: Your Best Choice

When it comes to selecting roofing sealants for your RV, the market is huge. There’s all sorts of materials and treatments out there that will seal out moisture from infiltrating the roof of your RV and ruining your good time while you’re out on the road. The truth is that there’s only one market leader that you should be using. It’s called liquid rubber, and it’s the closest thing to perfect as you’re ever going to get.

The Best of the Best

Not all roofing sealants are created equal. That doesn’t mean that other sealant products won’t keep the water out of your RV – they will, or they wouldn’t be offered for sale – but either the ease of applying these coatings is low or the length of time these coatings offer good weatherproofing protection is relatively short. Other roofing sealants like acrylic usually need to be re-applied every two or three years, but a liquid rubber coating is much more tough and resilient – it will easily last two to three times as long, and it’s about as hard to apply to the roof of your camper as a coat of paint.

The Science of Liquid Rubber

No, liquid rubber isn’t magic – though it certainly can seem that way. Instead, it’s science – molecular science to be exact. Liquid rubber’s scientific name is ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM for short) and it has the same waterproofing properties of other products but offers none of the drawbacks. Even before an application of liquid rubber dries, it’s already protecting whatever it’s been applied to even though it’s still wet. Once it dries, it’s nigh indestructible; a single coating has the potential to keep its protective qualities for as long as 10 years before it needs to be replaced. That’s just the liquid version of EPDM; the older, more traditional solid rubber membranes that have been used in roofing and construction since the 1970s can keep a commercial building safe from the elements for 30 to 50 years at a time!

The Best Roofing Sealant Around

There are plenty of unique chemical quantities to liquid rubber that makes it ideal for its use in roofing sealants. Its durability is one of the most noteworthy ones, but the reason it’s so tough is because it leaves other RV roof sealants in the dust with its capabilities. EPDM stays rubbery and flexible even in some of the worst temperature extremes on the planet in both directions, and it’s naturally resistant to damage done by both ozone and ultraviolet light. It also acts as an excellent way to increase the heat reflexive properties of whatever it’s applied to, which means that any RV that has a liquid rubber coating on its roof won’t end up turning into a sweltering hotbox in the summer months if you park it out in the sun.