How Liquid Rubber Has Changed the Roofing Industry

When you think of rubber, you may not think about the roof for your commercial building. Instead, it’s more likely that you imagine the tires on your car or maybe the rubber bands you have in your desk. Whatever the case, the point is that if you want the best protection for your building, it begins at the top and it involves using liquid rubber.

What Is Liquid Rubber?

The type of rubber we’re talking about here is a synthetic version called EPDM. Ethylene propylene diene terpolymer can be used for a number of different things, but the reason people have begun applying it to roofs is the durability it provides. It also helps that the application process ensures every last square inch of the roof gets the coverage it needs.

Liquid Rubber Expands with Your Roof

While it may not seem obvious, your roof actually moves. As the seasons change, it will actually contract or expand slightly depending on the temperature. This is an important fact to grasp because it helps explain why EPDM Rubber has become so important as a way of adding extra protection to roofs.

Any material that isn’t applied as a liquid coating can’t compare because it also can’t move with the roof. When it expands, the defensive measure will be left behind. When the roof contracts, the material can actually crack or otherwise become damaged. This is supposed to be your defensive measure!

EPDM will move with the roof, providing coverage at any size and never cracking just because the top of your building contracts slightly.

EPDM Is Temperature-Resistant

On top of that, EPDM will hold up to extreme temperatures better than anything else. Put simply, it will maintain its structural integrity should the temp ever drop to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or even if it gets up to 300.

Is it likely that will ever happen? No, of course not, but those numbers definitely speak to how much liquid rubber is able to fend off. Whether your building is located where it snows year round or in a place that the sun beats down upon nonstop, your roof won’t become compromised.

Affordable Applications

Protecting your roof from the elements really isn’t a luxury option you can afford to consider. It’s something you must absolutely do or even the smallest leak could end up costing you dearly.

Unfortunately, traditional methods for doing this can hit your budget hard. One of the main reasons liquid rubber has taken the industry by storm is because it won’t make you choose between the wellbeing of your building and half your budget.

Not only is the material affordable, but having professionals apply it for you is far cheaper than the other options out there. You don’t need heavy machinery or long hours and there isn’t the loud noise that usually keeps away customers.

Don’t take chances on the future of your roof. Instead, use EPDM to ensure it is able to keep the outside world at bay and protect your money at the same time.