5 Reasons You Should Repair Roof Leaks with Liquid EPDM Rubber

Has your roof taken some damage?

Are you able to tell because it’s leaking?

If so, don’t worry. As you’re about to see, Liquid EPDM Rubber is perfect for solving that problem.

An Affordable Response to a Potentially Costly Problem

The moment a leak happens, most people immediately think about the small fortune they’re going to need to spend in order to fix it. Sure, you want to repair roof leaks immediately, but it can still be an extremely aggravating to imagine the price it’s going to cost.

Fortunately, EPDM is probably the most affordable way to repair roof leaks. It’s largely made from recycled materials for one thing, so along with being environmentally friendly, it’s also very budget-friendly, too.

EPDM Is Easy to Apply

This goes along with our last point. Obviously, a lot of the reason many home repairs cost so much is that you’re paying for labor, which can quickly add up.

We already told you it was affordable, but this also relates to how easy it is to apply. EPDM can repair roof leaks in no time. So whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring a professional, your bank account will hardly know.

Once the Repair Is Done, It’s Done for Good

You’ve probably heard horror stories about people who repaired a roof leak only to find out the job wasn’t complete the next time it rained. Aside from the obvious problem, this means more time and money doing it all over again.

If you want to avoid this common issue when it’s time to repair roof leaks, use EPDM for the job.

EPDM is extremely durable. Studies have been done on roofs treated with this amazing material and even after 10, 20 or 30 years, it’s working as well as it did the first day it was applied.

Repairs That Work in Any Temperature

Another problem with repairing roof leaks is that you absolutely must choose the right material for the job. Amongst other things, this entails considering the climate in which the home is located.

Down south, the blistering sun can make quick work of a lesser material. Up north, the winter cold and constant snow can beat on a roofing material until it finally gives way.

EPDM has been tested in the most extreme climates and doesn’t budge. While it cures best in temperatures of 55 degrees or above, it will still work in colder temperatures; you’ll just need to wait a bit longer.

You Can Apply EPDM to Any Surface

Finally, another issue you’ll run into with some liquid roof repair products is that you can only apply it to a horizontal surface. This is not the case with EPDM. The liquid can be used on damage to horizontal or vertical sides of your roof. Again, because it cures so quickly, you don’t have to worry about it spilling off before setting.

Hopefully, these five reasons have made it clear that Liquid EPDM Rubber is the best option to repair roof leaks no matter where they occur. Don’t take any chances when your roof is damaged; use Liquid EPDM Rubber.