Basics of RV Roof Coating Repair

Finding out that you have a leak in your RV roof that is causing damage to your RV is one of the worst feelings in the world. If you are like many people, the first thing you are going to think about is just how much this is going to cost to fix. If you let it continue to worsen, you will eventually need a new roof, and you may need to make replacements to some of the interior elements of your RV. This could cost you many thousands of dollars. However, you do not have to let it get to that point. Instead, you can head off the problem as soon as you find it – or even as a preventative measure – when you use a permanent RV roof coating.

It Needs to Be Clean

The first thing you need to do is examine the roof of your RV. You want to be sure that you check the roof for any areas that might be leaking. It could be a problem with the vents, or it could be a hole in the roof, for example. Do a thorough examination and note all of the potential problem sites.

At that point, you will need to make sure you clean the top of the roof properly before getting started with any repairs. This requires cleaning the oil and grease away if there is any on the roof, along with silicone sealants and waxes that may have been used. Make sure you remove the dirt and wash the roof with water to get it prepared for the rest of the repairs. Power washing is possible if you have a large RV roof, but it can also be done by hand. This tends to be how many RV owners prepare their roofs.

Patching and Adding the Coating

Once the roof is clean, you can then go through and add patches to any of the areas that will need it. For example, if there are a couple of large holes or cracks, patching them before adding the Liquid Roof is a good idea. Simply follow the instructions from the manufacturer for applying the patch.

After the patches have been added, you can then use the Liquid Roof to continue with the RV roof coating repair. Again, you will want to follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Fortunately, it is easy to take care of the application on your own. It goes on similar to paint, and you will only need to add one coating. When you are applying it, try to make sure that you have an even coat. You can use rollers and paintbrushes to ensure that you get all areas of the roof.

With the coating on the roof, you can then rest a little easier knowing that it will go to work protecting the roof from leaks and sun damage right away. The curing times will vary based on the weather and temperature, but the protection starts immediately.

The process of getting your roof protected and back in shape is not always as complex as many think. If you are able to catch any problems early, the coating should help to provide you with all the protection you need. For those who have severely damaged roofs, or who need to have interior repairs made to the RV, it is best to consult with a professional. The sooner you take care of your RV roof problems the less it will cost. After all, issues with the roof are not simply going to go away on their own.