Liquid Rubber Benefits for Your Roof

Are you still wondering whether you should use Liquid Rubber for your roof? If you have heard that it could be a great option for your business, or even your home, but you aren’t sure, let’s look at some of the biggest benefits


Leaks could be a huge problem for anyone whether it happens at their home or their business. Leaking roofs could damage to property and stock in a store, and it could cause damage to the insulation and the walls. It could even cause hazards on the floor as water drips and pools. This could be costly to take care of, and it is not something that you would want to have to deal with if you didn’t have to. The good news about EPDM Liquid Rubber is that right after the installation, the waterproofing protection will start – even before it is fully cured.

EPDM Liquid Rubber
EPDM Liquid Rubber


While it goes on like liquid, when it dries and cures, this product will provide you with a strong and durable barrier that protects your roof from all of the outside elements. This protection will ensure that you no longer have to worry about leaks, which will let you rest a little easier when you see dark clouds gathering overhead. When you have this coating on the roof, it can last for up to 20 years. That’s a lot of protection for what amounts to very little work and cost.


Another benefit of this roofing option is the weight. When you compare it to other types of materials, such as tar, the weight is very minimal. After all, you will only need to have one or two thin coats, so it will not add a lot of weight to the roof.

Cost Effective

Even though there is the initial cost of the product, you will find that the cost of Liquid Rubber tends to be quite low compared with other options. Additionally, when you think about the protection that it offers, you will quickly see that it is far cheaper to spend on this type of roofing material than it is to pay for expensive repairs to the roof or building later.

Energy Efficient

Another of the Liquid Rubber benefits that many people never consider is that it has the potential to be energy efficient. You will notice that the product comes in both black and white. When you have white material on your roof, it will help to reflect the sun’s rays, and that can help to keep the building cooler. This could lower energy costs because you will not have to run the AC as much. If you are in an area where it gets colder, you could choose the black coating, which can absorb the sun’s rays and help to keep it warmer inside. Therefore, a business in Maine might want to have black waterproof sealant, whereas a company in Arizona might want to have white.

Is there anything that the EPDM Liquid Rubber can’t do? While it offers many nice benefits, there are some instances where you will not want to use it. If you have a property that has a steeply sloped roof, it will not be a good idea. This is because it will not dry fast enough, and it will run and pool toward the lower portion of the roof. It could even drip off the roof. Therefore, it tends to be a better solution for low-sloped and flat roof.

Other than that, there is no reason that you wouldn’t want to use Liquid Rubber. Just think about all of the benefits listed above.