EPDM Rubber Roofing

Tips to Maintain Your EPDM Rubber Roofing System

Once you have an EPDM rubber roofing system installed, you want to make sure it lasts for as long as possible and continues to protect your roof. When it is maintained correctly, it has the potential to last for between 30 and 50 years, which is impressive for any roofing system.

Fortunately, it tends to be relatively easy to keep the system in good shape. These systems and coatings are durable and are resistant to wear and tear issues. However, they might require cleaning, as well as occasional repairs. Below are some simple tips you can use to make sure your EPDM Rubber Roofing system lasts for as long as possible.

It Starts with the Installation

A great EPDM rubber roofing system begins with how it’s installed. If it is not installed correctly, it will not work to keep your roof safe. This type of coating tends to be easy to install, and you could do it on your own if you have the DIY skills and the time to do it right. Just make sure that you follow all of the instructions.

Many people opt to have professionals come to their property to install the EPDM rubber roofing system and coating. This is especially true with larger jobs. It tends to be faster and easier, and the owners will not have to deal with any messes.

Get the Roof Inspected

If you want to keep the system in good shape, you should inspect the roof a couple of times a year at least. You could head to the roof and look for damage that will need to be repaired and then handle the repairs yourself or hire someone to do it. If you aren’t sure that you know how to find any potential roofing issues, it might be better to hire a professional to inspect it for you.

Remove Debris on the Roof

Roofs are going to get debris on them. Even if it’s a high roof and there isn’t anything around that you would imagine could get on the roof, it will. Leaves, dirt, and other debris can be carried by the wind and planted onto your roof. Therefore, if you want to keep it in good shape, you need to be sure that you are sweeping the roof and removing the debris a couple of times a year.

Have a Plan for Snow Removal

Snow can do a lot of damage to your roof. The weight of the snow can put a lot of added stress on the roof, which could cause damage to it over time. Snowmelt could also mean that water stays on the roof, especially if there isn’t a good drainage system. Have a plan for snow removal during the winter. Hiring someone to remove the snow is far cheaper than needing to replace your roof in a few years.

Remove Overhanging Branches

If you have trees near the building, you will want to trim them back away from the roof. The branches could break and hit the roof, causing damage. Even though the coatings are strong and durable, if it is struck by a heavy branch, there could be damage. It’s best to prevent this from happening in the first place.

Use Quality Coatings

Always make sure that you are choosing high-quality EPDM coatings for your roof. The best quality coatings are still affordable, and they can provide your roof with the added bit of armor it needs. The coatings can stand up to the elements, debris, and the wear and tear of time.

Get Help If Needed

If you find that you have any problems with your EPDM rubber roofing system for any reason, and you can’t handle it on your own, it’s a good idea to contact a roofing professional who can come out and help.