Choosing an EPDM Butyl Rubber Roofing System

When it comes to EPDM butyl rubber roofing systems, you will find that several options are available depending on the type of roof that you have. There are rubber roofing membranes that can be applied to the roof. These can then be coated with a liquid butyl EPDM that helps to eliminate seals between the membranes, providing better waterproofing.

Additionally, the EPDM butyl liquid can be used with different types of substrates to add more protection to a roof. Some choose this option to add a coating rather than to remove their entire old roof. Depending on the type of roof you have, this could be an option for you. It will also depend on the state of the roof, of course. While liquid butyl EPDM can do a lot, it can’t fix a roof that has severe damage that needs to be repaired first.

Why Choose an EPDM Butyl Rubber Roofing System?

EPDM butyl rubber roofing systems have some nice benefits, which can help to make them a good solution for many property owners. Installation of EPDM, whether it’s the membranes or the coating, tends to be fast and simple. It is a cost-effective option and it allows for relatively easy repairs, which is nice.

The material is resistant to UV rays, hot and cold temperatures, hail, snow, rain, and a host of other potential hazards. You will not have to worry about the product shrinking or expanding, no matter the conditions.

The membranes are available in different thicknesses. The liquid butyl EPDM can be made thicker by adding a coat if it is needed. These types of roofing systems can help to lower heating and cooling costs. If you are in a hot area, having white membranes and liquid coatings on your roof will help to keep the heat out of the building. Those in colder areas might want to opt for black membranes and coating instead.

How Much of the Product Do You Need?

The answer to this question will vary depending on the size of your roof. Consider the size of the roof when ordering membranes or the liquid butyl rubber coating.

If you have a small roof or you are just doing a repair, then you will only need to have a small batch of the product. For those who are trying to cover their entire roof and who have a large roof, you will need to have larger quantities. Find out how much is available in each bucket for the liquid and how many square feet it needs to cover. Remember, it’s better to have too much of the product than too little.

Who Should Do the Installation?

One of the big questions that often comes up is the installation. If you are going to first get membranes, you will likely want to have professionals handle the installation for you. They can do this quickly and easily, and you can be sure it’s done right.

As for applying the liquid butyl EPDM coatings onto the roof, professionals could do this, or you could do it on your own if you would like. The liquid coatings are easy to apply because they go on like paint. They can be applied using rollers and paintbrushes in many cases. Rollers are great to cover larger areas with the liquid butyl EPDM, while the brushes can be used to get around smaller, tighter areas.

Remember the Importance of Maintenance

Once you have your EPDM butyl rubber roofing system and liquid roofing installed on the roof, it should cure in a short time—less than a day in many cases. However, you will still want to provide basic maintenance. Keep the roof clean from debris and dirt, and check for any small tears or holes at least twice a year.