Why Liquid Coatings are so Popular

Water-proofing is a complex process. However, it could be made easier with liquid roof EPDM rubber resins. Unlike conventional method of fixing roof leakages, the liquid EPDM does not involve any hammering or breaking the concrete slabs. Further, there is no extra effort required for building new concrete patch-works over the previous slab. Generally, most of the leakage occurs due to development of crevices in the wall. To overcome this, traditional methods demand patching up old areas with new ingredient of same material, as it adheres to the previous material in better way. However, the liquid EPDM can adhere to any surface including metals. Thus, it finds use as an alternative to traditional water-proofing works.

EPDM is a rubber and is available in liquid resin form as well. In fact, very few companies around the globe manufacture it in liquid form, as the process of manufacturing requires state-of-the-art equipments. Rubber sheets are available in market up to 100 mils thick. However, liquid form has many advantages. The liquid roof gets easily patch than rubber preforms, as the application of liquid EPDM is far easier than painting. They could be applied over the entire segment of roof using a hand roller brush. In addition, buyers may choose additive paint colors along with the rubber resin to make them look colorful after they set. The setting or curing time is no more than few hours and may vary depending on the ambient moisture or humidity in air.

The liquid roof EPDM application can last over four decades without requiring any additional attention in terms of maintenance or care. The polymer does not degrade under sun and can defend harmful UV rays as well. Unlike conventional rubbers and polymers, it does not become yellow over periodic long exposures under sun.

Thus, there are many advantages of using liquid EPDM over the conventional roof fixing methods.