Why EPDM For Your Roof?

EPDM (ethylene propylene diene monomer) is one of the ways through which you can ensure that you have safe and proper roofing. This roofing solution has been in use for over 50 years, and therefore boasts proven performance record. EPDM has proven itself to be a long term roofing solution with studies indicating that it can provide protection for more than 40 years.

The two main elements of EPDM, ethylene and propylene are derived from gas and oil. They are used for a variety of purposes, ranging from radiators and tubing to vibrators and solar panels. Although it is generally used in vehicles, it has proven to be a highly effective and practical roofing solution. It is a reliable resilient synthetic rubber roofing membrane and mainly used on low-sloped buildings and flat roofs all across the world. This is primarily due to its extremely high resistance towards weather, ozone and heat. It also has excellent electrical insulation properties and offers protection from steam and polar objects. They tend to come in both black and white colors and can be of various lengths ranging from seven to fifty feet, while its thickness is either 45mm or 60mm.

Generally, installing EPDM roofing is a safe and simple process as it does not require the use of any heavy machinery. It comes as a single, lightweight ply membrane. It is cut and tailored according to the requirements. Since it is made from high quality polymer, it costs less as opposed to other roofing solutions. Due to the fact that it is a lightweight material, the labor cost is also significantly reduced.

EPDM roof once installed requires little or no maintenance. It is very easy to repair these roofs and even costs less to do the annual maintenance. It is an extremely sturdy material, and yet it boasts an unusually superior flexibility in comparison with other similar materials. Due to the fact that the material is rubbery, it is highly durable and greatly resistant against abrasion and tear.

With many similar rubbery roofing solutions, you might have to seam together multiple pieces of “sheets” which can expose the risks of water accumulation, damp and all types of related issues. This is a problem which is eliminated by the fact that it comes in a block which is generally sufficient to cover almost any roof. Most suppliers provide roughly twenty years of guarantee with a life expectancy over 50 years – it is clear that EPDM is more than up to the task of protecting almost all roofs for a significant length of time. Furthermore, you must also know that EPDM helps with lower insurance premiums. Not only that, it is also a friend to the environment, as it has limited environmental impacts in comparison with some of its rivals.

Ping back here : EPDM has proven performance record