How can an EPDM Roofing System be repaired?

If your business currently has an EPDM roofing system that needs to be repaired, then don’t fret. The truth is, as you probably know already, that EPDM roofing systems are incredibly durable and resistant to the effects of weathering. Because of this, repairs that need to be made to EPDM roofs are generally minor in nature.

In most cases, an EPDM roof repair will look something like this: Technicians capable of servicing your roof will first have to wash it in order to clear off any debris that might have built up on it. Secondly, they’ll make the repairs. Because EPDM roofing is applied in sheets, this makes pulling up old EPDM roofing and replacing it incredibly simple. With minor repairs, replacing parts of the EPDM roof may not even be necessary. After all of the necessary surface repairs have been made, a protective coating can be applied that will keep your roof in service for many years to come.

Why Should my Business Have an EPDM Roofing System?

If you’ve glanced over what it takes to repair an EPDM roofing system, then you probably already have a strong idea. EPDM roofing is one of the most durable roofing solutions a business can employ for their low-sloping commercial roofs. EPDM roofing comes in two colors, black and white, both of which are exceptionally resistant to the harmful effects of ultra violet light. This has the dual effect of increasing the EPDM roofing system’s longevity, while also helping to assist in the temperature control of your commercial space.

Beyond this, EPDM roofing is incredibly easy to install. It comes in sheets that are as wide as 50 feet and in thickness of either 60 or 90 mil (the latter being a more recent innovation.) As simple as the roofing is to repair, it’s even simpler to install. In most cases, an EPDM roofing system can be installed to a commercial business with little to no disruption of business. When you factor in the money that this can save a business, it makes an EPDM roofing solution a no-brainier.

What is an EPDM Roofing System, Anyway?

EPDM was invented in the 1970s, and since that time it has been the preferred roofing solution for commercial spaces that have low-sloping roofs. In fact, major companies and corporations have employed an EPDM roofing solution for their businesses, including Disney’s Pixar and the Seattle Children’s Bellevue Clinic.

EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene DieneTerpolymer. This name reflects the roofing solution’s chemical origins as the byproduct of oil and natural gas. Since it was invented, EPDM has been used extensively around the world. Its extreme resistance to weather has made it a preferred roofing solution option, and this will likely only increase as the effects of global warming continue to take hold around the planet. So, if you’re a business in need of a cost-effective and low-maintenance roof, consider an EPDM roofing solution.