What Is EPDM Roofing?

When it comes to roofing solutions, there are too many out there to name. Of course, many of them are virtually indistinguishable from the next. Unfortunately, roofing isn’t something you can choose based on hype or “good enough.” Aside from the leaks you’ll eventually endure, bad roofing could cause a fortune in property damage. For this reason, more and more people are turning to EPDM roofing for their homes and commercial buildings.

EPDM Roofing

EPDM roofing solutions involve synthetic rubber membranes that are extremely durable, yet thin. Despite their strength, EPDM is also quite lightweight (about 1/3 pound per sq ft), which is one of many reasons people pick it for their roofing needs. Just about any building is structurally sound enough for a layer of EPDM roofing to go over the top.

The material is made primarily from propylene and ethylene, which come from natural gas and oil. For the most part, you can choose from either black or white. EPDM comes in a wide range of widths though, the widest being about 50 feet. However, there are just two thicknesses to choose from: 45 and 60 mils.

Seamless Installation

An EPDM roofing system is usually applied via roller. This plastic material is rolled out and then connected to the roof of the building one of a few ways. It can be ballasted, mechanically attached, or fully adhered.

When installed, EPDM isn’t actually seamless, but it might as well be. That’s because the seams are then smoothed over with specially formulated tape or liquid adhesives.

In either case, this roofing application beats out many competitors where you have to ensure a liquid solution is spread out evenly over the entire roof. The membranes used in EPDM roofing solutions virtually guarantee nothing will get through. Plus, the sheets generally overlap one another, so even if a seam was left unattended, it would still form a reliable seal.

Many installers actually use heat to virtually weld one swath of roofing to another. The heat literally creates a chemical bond that is nearly impossible to break. Wind, rain and snow certainly won’t be able to.

Lastly, because of the way EPDM is applied, most equipment that has been installed on the roof or other protrusions can simply stay put. This saves on time and labor costs.


If the installation description above didn’t sell you on the benefits of EPDM roofing solutions, consider that most warranties will cover up to 20 years. That’s despite the fact that you’ll save with EPDRM roofing when compared to other popular options out there.

Plus, even if the unthinkable happens and your roof gets damaged, repairs couldn’t be easier. You can simply add a new patch and your EPDM roofing system is as good as new.

Simply put, there is no roofing system that can compare to EPDM in terms of simplicity. It’s easy to install, low on maintenance, and simple to fix, should that ever become necessary. In spite of all these benefits, though, EPDRM roofing is incredibly affordable, especially when you consider the warranties most come with.