Using EPDM for Roof Coatings

No matter what kind of building we’re talking about—commercial or residential—you should always look to further optimize its operation. This may mean renovating the inside, changing out its HVAC system or installing new floors. However, roof coatings are one of the best ways to get more from your commercial building or home, so long as you choose the right product for the job. While countless materials exist, EPDM is by far the best for roof coatings.

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer

EPDM stands for Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (it’s also an M-class rubber). This synthetic form of rubber is made from the three listed, which come from either natural gas or oil. Over the years, EPDM has become one of the most widely used forms of rubber and for good reason. However, you can expect to hear about even more uses for EPDM other than roof coatings and various other applications as science is constantly discovering ways to push what it can do.

The Beauty of Roof Coatings

Roof coatings can be used to fortify an existing structure or handle needed repairs if your home or building has recently been damaged. The great thing about using coatings for the job is how easy they are to apply. Considering most people can probably apply roofing sealants—including EPDM—this is truly a DIY solution.

Yet despite how easy it is to coat your roof, thanks to EPDM, you can still receive a number of benefits in return.


Greater Durability

For one thing, using EPDM means your building will be better protected from the elements. Even if you just need the synthetic rubber to make repairs or for an entire roof restoration, the finished product will give you a building that is even better off than before the damage happened.

EPDM can hold up under extreme duress brought on by the environment. It’s been tested between -40 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit and proved capable of remaining intact. While it’s unlikely your building will ever be put under a similar test, you can rest assured that it will be more than able to defend against whatever your yearly climate throws at it.

Improves Utility Bills

Depending on how large your home or commercial building is, you may spend a small fortune every year just on utility bills. If that’s the case, you’ll have one more reason to look forward to an EPDM coating on your roof.

The reason why EPDM does such a good job of keeping the elements at pay is because of the impenetrable rubber membrane it forms over your roof. Doing so also means that the sun isn’t able to make your AC unit work overtime to keep everyone cool. Furthermore, all that cold air won’t be slipping out the roof either. As heat rises, this is also a great way to keep your building nice and warm during the winter, instead of paying for hot air that will escape out the top.

If your roof could use a little help, a coating of EPDM is always a good choice. For all the reasons listed above and many more, this form of rubber will not let you down.