Benefits of White Roof Sealants

When someone says they want to have a cool roof, they don’t mean that they want it to be hip and in style with the latest fashion. Instead, they are referring to the roof’s temperature. You will find that many commercial buildings, and even some residential structures, have black and dark colored roofs. This means that the sunlight that hits the roof is absorbed rather than reflected. This makes the roof hotter, and the inside of the building tends to be warmer as well. When you use white roof sealants, as many are starting to do in warmer climates, it has the opposite effect. It will reflect more of the sun’s rays, and that keeps the inside of the building cooler, lowering your cost for air conditioning.

Why Choose White Roof Sealants?

These sealants can do more than just lower the cost of your air conditioning bill because they keep the inside of the house cooler, the roof itself is cooler as well. In the middle of the summer, the temperature on a black roof could reach as high as 150 degrees Fahrenheit. White roofs can be up to 50 degrees cooler. The white roofs look good as well, and they don’t stand out nearly as much as you would imagine, at least for most commercial buildings.

Keep in mind that the white roof sealants tend to work the best in areas where it is hot all year long, such as the southwest and southeast parts of the United States. These areas remain warm throughout the year, so it makes sense to have a white or light colored roof. However, those who live in areas where it gets cold in the winter may want to stick with the traditional dark colored roof, as it can help to keep the building warmer in the winter. Choose the option that makes the most sense for your area.

What’s the Best Choice?

When it comes to cool roof coatings, one of the best options is an EPDM coating. It is relatively simple and fast to have installed on the roof, and the coating can provide a substantial amount of protection for the roof. In addition to keeping the temperatures lower, you will find that it also has the potential to last a long time. These roof sealants are durable and high quality, and they can stand up to UV rays and all types of weather for decades to come.

However, the coatings will not be a good choice for all roofs. You will find that these coatings, and the black coatings for that matter, are best for roofs that have low slopes to them. They are not a good solution for roofs with tall peaks.

Of course, you don’t always have to choose a coating. You can find other options that will help to keep the roof cool in addition to roof sealants. Light colored tiles and shingles are good options. You may also be able to find metal roofs with a light colored finish that can help to reflect the sunlight.